Let’s talk about HPV
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the name of the most widespread sexually transmitted disease.
HPV does not usually cause symptoms and in many cases goes away by itself. For this reason, a lot of people never know that they have been infected with the virus.
There are more than 200 different types of HPV, some of them can cause cervical lesions that, if allowed to persist, may lead to cervical cancer.
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questions and answers
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection. It is so common that many experts consider it to be an unavoidable consequence of normal sexual activity.
About 80% of all sexually active women and men are infected with HPV at some point during their lifetime, but most never know they have the virus. In most people, HPV is harmless and does not cause any symptoms.
You can get HPV through oral, vaginal or anal sex with someone that has the virus, even if the infected person shows no signs or symptoms.
All sexually active people can get HPV, even if they are only having sex with one person. Furthermore, symptoms can appear years after infection, so there is no way to know which partner the infection came from or how long ago it occurred.